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Learn the principles of growing a profitable, impactful and enduring business by understanding the Growth Formula.

As a Grow client, you get access to an extensive library of online, self-paced learning materials to deepen your insight and understanding of these growth principles.


The Growth Formula

Grow’s secret sauce lies in our Growth Formula and Methodology - a model that sets out what you need to master to build a truly successful, profitable, and enjoyable business. Implementing and then mastering all aspects underlying the model takes time, commitment, and discipline.

The application of the Growth Formula is best described by Jim Collins’ Flywheel concept. Collins identified companies who transformed from good to great via the turning of a giant flywheel, and not with a single defining action, or a grand program, or a killer innovation. Collins says this starts with turning the flywheel a couple of inches, but one doesn’t stop and “With more and more turns at some point there is a breakthrough and the flywheel flies forward with almost unstoppable momentum” otherwise known as strategic compounding.

Each aspect of the Growth Formula implemented builds upon your previous effort, which if supremely well executed will compound one upon another to build unstoppable momentum and competitive advantage.

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The Growth Formula has four components:

You The Leader

This is about your effectiveness as a leader. The success of your business is directly proportional to your capabilities as a leader.

The success of your business, or the area in the business that you lead, is dependent on your level of effectiveness, which is determined by your leadership ability.

In You the leader, you are guided to take active steps that grow your leadership abilities focusing on both functional and emotional betterment that give you the confidence to lead.

The Growth Formula for You the Leader focusses on:

  • Personal Mastery – practical steps to develop your leadership capabilities with clear purpose and vision aligned to your value system.
  • Courage and confidence – building your tenacity and ability to make measured decisions, have courageous conversations and decisive exchanges with empathy.
  • Inspiring followers – learn to inspire and energise others to create your following that authentically wants to help achieve your vision.
  • Trusting and letting go – building capacity, trust and accountability in your team and learning to love and enjoy your business and work again.
  • Precise Thinking – new ways of thinking to help you solve a myriad of complex problems you wrestle with daily.
  • Creative Leadership – giving you the wisdom to let go of the behaviours that are holding you back by being too task focused or too people focused.

Setting Direction

This is about disciplined thinking and having clarity on where you are taking your business to, and ensuring everyone in the business is clear and aligned around this direction.

For a business to be great, absolute clarity on the direction you want to go, and what it is you want to create is required. This is ultimately defined by the customers you serve.

In the Setting Direction Growth Formula, you define a strategy for your business by finding answers to fundamental questions including:

  • What is our belief system or what are our core values?
  • What is our reason for being, the contribution we make to customer’s lives
  • Who is our ideal customer?
  • Where will we play and how will we win?

“Strategy without execution is pointless. Execution without Strategy is aimless” – Morris Chang, TSMC (the Taiwanese Semiconductor Manufacturing Company)

Winning Team

Your business is bigger than just you. To build a successful business, you need a talented and engaged team of people.

Great companies are built by high performing teams that set ambitious goals, that operate effectively as a unit, and are able to support the execution of your business strategy.

The Growth Formula for Winning Teams requires you to learn the skills to build highly productive teams and pull the levers of productivity that drive profitability namely:

  • Organisational Structure and Design – critical to optimise collaborative teamwork in your business.
  • Team Health – A healthy highly cohesive and productive team with all elements of dysfunction eliminated.
  • Attracting and retaining A-Players – a high performance culture rewarded with an effective and appropriate incentive scheme.
  • Setting Direction and Managing Tasks – the immense value of business metrics and how they translate into execution frameworks that deliver results and the communication thereof.

“All a company is, is a group of people that are gathered together to create a product or service. Depending on how talented and hardworking that group is and the degree to which they are focussed cohesively in a good direction, that will determine the success of the company.” – Elon Musk

Operational Excellence

This is about disciplined action to ensure everything is working in your business to allow it to grow without drama.

With a winning team that has clear direction and business objectives, it’s operational excellence that will ensure you execute on your strategy.

The focal points of the Growth Formula for Operational Excellence are:

  • Strategy Execution – a focus on strategic priorities that shift the business inexorably towards it long term goals
  • Financial Management – data that enhances decision making for business performance
  • Business Processes – seamless processes that eliminate inefficiencies and enable growth and scale without drama in your business
  • Marketing Engine – aligned with overall strategy that delivers a predictable flow of leads to the sales team.
  • Sales Management – a clear sales process with high closing rates consistently executed by a well-trained sales team that drives strong revenue growth.

“Strategy without execution is pointless. Execution without Strategy is aimless” – Morris Chang, Taiwanese Semiconductor Manufacturing Company